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日韩动漫爆丸4 机械波涛图片

爆丸4 机械波涛

年代: 2012    地区: 日本    语言: 日语 
状态: 更新至46集完结   更新: 2023-12-24
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爆丸4 机械波涛:是橋本みつお导演在2012年出品的日本日韩动漫影片,其主要演员有小林优,仙台エリ,广桥凉,铃木千寻,水野理纱等,主要剧情:Drago is unable to control the powers he has received from Code Eve, so Dan and Drago contemplate retirement. Meanwhile a new and insidious enemy infiltrates Bakugan Interspace shaking the Battle Brawlers and their fans. The Battle Brawlers must find a way to control Code Eve's powers, with the help of some new allies, or else this new threat could threaten all Bakugan everywhere.
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